Differences between automatic motorcycles and gear motorcycles
Buying a vehicle is not usually easy and requires a significant financial effort from the consumer. It is common to have a flow of inquiries and comparisons among different models, brands, and features. In the case of purchasing motorcycles, one of the most common doubts drivers have is whether to choose an automatic motorcycle or a motorcycle with gears. What do you think?
In this post, we explain the main differences and advantages between automatic and geared motorcycles to make it easier for you to make this decision. Which type of motorcycle do you prefer?
What are the differences between automatic motorcycles and geared motorcycles?
The main difference between automatic and geared motorcycles is how the gears are changed. Automatic motorcycles do not have a clutch to change gears, which is the key difference. The rider does not use a clutch, as gear changes occur as the motorcycle accelerates without any intervention from the rider. In these cases, due to their comfort and suitability for city use, the most common models of automatic motorcycles are scooters.
On the other hand, geared motorcycles do have a clutch, and it is the rider who must adapt the gears to the speed and terrain while riding. In this type of motorcycle, the rider's skill in controlling the vehicle and reading the driving conditions is very important, just as it is when driving cars.
Advantages of automatic motorcycles
Despite this clear distinction, there are doubts about which are better depending on each person's use and needs. Factors such as comfort, speed, and power are some of the aspects that come into play when discussing advantages. In the case of automatic motorcycles, their main advantages are:
Easy to ride
Without a clutch, automatic motorcycles are much easier to ride. For this reason, they are often used by riders who do not have much experience operating this type of vehicle. Their use is very similar to that of a bicycle, as you brake using both handlebars.
Larger storage space
Most motorcycle models have a much larger storage space than other models, and this can be expanded as needed.
Less fuel consumption
Many riders choose automatic motorcycles because their fuel consumption is much lower. This happens because acceleration occurs smoothly, consuming very little fuel in the process.
Automatic motorcycles also have a series of disadvantages, such as a smaller wheel size that makes it easier to lose balance. Additionally, having smooth acceleration means you cannot perform explosive accelerations, making overtaking on the road more complicated.
Advantages of geared motorcycles
Just as automatic motorcycles have a series of advantages and disadvantages, the same is true for geared motorcycles. Here are the most notable.
Greater power
Geared motorcycles have much more power than automatic ones, with engines reaching up to 1900cc, so they can be used for both city riding and long trips on the road or highway.
Better preparation
Knowing how to ride a geared motorcycle will help you be better prepared to ride other types of motorcycles. This would be practically impossible in the opposite case, requiring a period of adaptation.
Wider wheels
Unlike automatic motorcycles, the wheels of these vehicles are much larger, providing better grip and traction. This makes riding much safer on all types of roads.
The biggest issue with geared motorcycles is that it takes a lot of time to fully master them and know exactly when to shift gears.
As you can see, the main difference between geared motorcycles and automatic ones lies mainly in the difficulty of riding. Therefore, if you do not have much experience, we recommend starting with automatic motorcycles as they will be much easier for you.